Staging your estate sale for maximum profit

With True Legacy our professional stagers will turn your estate sale into a retail shopping experience. From layout to displays, every step of your estate sale will be meticulously arranged to maximize the shopper experience and increase sales.

Staging your estate sale for maximum profit

With True Legacy our professional stagers will turn your estate sale into a retail shopping experience. From layout to displays, every step of your estate sale will be meticulously arranged to maximize the shopper experience and increase sales.

Staging Your Estate Sale for Max Profit | True Legacy Homes - Setup

Setting up your estate sale

In order to sell more, shoppers have to be able to see more, so our team arranges furniture and large items for maximum circulation with signs to direct foot traffic. Small items are displayed on tables using tablecloths to increase visibility. And our True Legacy checkout stand ensures purchasing is fast and simple.

Staging Your Estate Sale for Max Profit | True Legacy Homes - Merchandise

Merchandising for sales

Nothing is hidden with a True Legacy estate sale. All items are removed from enclosed areas like cabinets, basements, boxes and closets to help shoppers see everything for sale at a glance. Because items not seen are items not sold.

Staging Your Estate Sale for Max Profit | True Legacy Homes - Notforsale

Protecting your personal items

Nothing is more important on the day than making sure your memories are protected and respected. We’ll walk the home with your family prior to the sale to mark or remove any items that aren’t to be sold.

Professional estate sales. Personal care.