April 9-11 | 8am-2pm

2998 Jesmond Dene Heights Rd – Escondido, CA 92026

Welcome to another exceptional True Legacy Estate Sale in beautiful San Diego. Come and discover the treasures hidden in this wonderful home. So, come and join us at 2998 Jesmond Dene Heights Rd, Escondido, CA 92026. We look forward to seeing you there! Below are just some of the items that will be there this weekend!

Huge and then some, just the phrase to describe this sale; it is so hefty that it had to be done in three days, but be sure to get there early to avoid missing out on the opportunity to possess some of the many treasures of this Estate.

Of course you will find rare antiques, fine European porcelain, marvelous oil paintings and watercolors, vintage toys and gadgets, fashionable clothing and shoes, splendid furniture, extravagant décor, and all the usual goods, but the many uncommon pieces add extra excitement to this shopping experience. Do we need to say more?, we will mention some of the many outstanding items, but the pictures tell the story.

  • Antique Dayton grocery store scale
  • Vintage Smith-Corona mechanical typewriter
  • Antique NCR cash register

Don’t be left out of this fantastic True Legacy Estate Sale!

Further details and pictures coming soon.

Click here for more pictures!