DEC 21 – 22 | 8am-2pm
1851 Pitcairn Drive, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626
Welcome to another exceptional True Legacy Estate Sale in beautiful Costa Mesa. Come and discover the treasures hidden in this wonderful home. This estate sale will be located at 1851 Pitcairn Dr, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Here is a sample of what you may find:
- Vehicles and Furniture: 1999 Harley Davidson, ornate Chinese hand-carved wood dining table, hutch, buffet, and Baby Grand Kurzweil piano.
- Art and Sculptures: Jerusalem sculpture, Fredrick Hart sculpture, K. Cantrell’s “Journey,” Remington artwork, Edoardo Tasca, Frank Miesler pieces, wall art, and a vintage Townsends ceramic cheetah.
- Decor and Antiques: Tiffany-style lamps, vintage Asian room divider with Bianzhong bells, cobalt blue goblets, Egyptian papyrus, jade elephant, brass sconces, and a grandfather clock.
- Collectibles and Fossils: Lladros, orthoceras and ammonite fossil composite plate, and antique Chinese terra cotta Qinshihuang warrior.