JAN 11 – 12 | 8am-2pm

1731 Gascony Road, Encinitas, CA 92024

Welcome to another exceptional True Legacy Estate Sale in beautiful Encinitas. Come and discover the treasures hidden in this wonderful home.

This estate sale will be located at:

1731 Gascony Road, Encinitas, CA 92024.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Listed below are some of the featured items you may find:

  • Lighting: Tiffany-style floor lamp, Tiffany-style chandelier, bamboo lamp.
  • Art & Decor: Original oil paintings, pencil sketches, Mexican clay candelabra, Chinese decor, African art, stoneware.
  • Furniture: Bamboo wicker furniture, Mid-Century Modern furniture, secretary desk, outdoor furniture.
  • Dishware & Collectibles: Gibson Monet dishware, Higgins & Seiter china, T&V china teacups, Amway stemware.
  • Miscellaneous: Costume jewelry, mobility scooter, vintage books, potted plants, lawn ornaments.

Important reminder: There will be a list on the morning of the sale at put out at 7am for those arriving prior to the opening of the estate sale. Customers will be let into the sale in the order the names appear on the list. Once you place your name on the list, you must remain at the property, with no exceptions. If you leave you will be moved to the bottom of the list when you return. We will only honor the True Legacy list put out by our associates at 7am. True Legacy’s official list will be clearly marked with the company’s logo.